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Capricorn New Moon | the end of 2024

older man with beard, clock face in the background

Thou shall not pass... until you deal with your shit!

Loving the Capricorn vibes to finish what has been one hell of a year! Capricorn gives direct, no f@#$ing around, get shit done feels & do it now vibes.

Don't feed into the hype of 'rare black moon' Insta vibes, keep it real. There is enough 'holy shit' rare astro moments coming up that is going to change the way we do life, we don't need to hype up random ones.

Capricorn Energy has a few open wounds, thanks to Pluto, that need to be addressed collectively & personally. And thankfully Pluto has finally moved on, into Aquarius, where the power dynamic shift. Depending on where in your chart Capricorn sits is the area of your life that you're being asked to take sacred responsibility. Tend to the wounds, it's not about the 'new year, new me', it's about learning to love the scars, scratches & stretch marks that it's created & the journey you took. The Japanese people decorate the breaks & cracks with gold & honour the beauty of the process of growth. Wherever you are in your life, whatever has happened ... you made it to this moment. Be proud of yourself.

The Wounded Healer Chiron is checking in with this new moon energy & how you are choosing to show up in the world.

Are you holding onto those core wounds of shame, hurt, victimhood, betrayal, heartbreak, whatever your 'story' is?

Are you hiding, playing small, being contained by past disappointments, failures, inadequacy, imposter syndrome?

The thing with Capricorn is that it is aligned with Saturn, the Taskmaster, Keeper of Time & I like to consider him as Gandalf. Back to "Thou Shall Not pass..." Saturn is in the sign of Pisces, Radical Sacred Responsibility is what is being asked of each & every one of us. This is your opportunity to check in, not through the eyes of judgment, but instead through the heart of compassion & grounded reality. When we know where our baseline is, we can find our footing & aspire to reach the top of the mountain, in true Capricorn style. Jupiter is amplifying & expanding your aspirations & along with Mercury rewriting your narrative & recalibrating the 'Stories we tell ourselves'.

As we say farewell to 2024 & all of the experiences it offered on your journey, we enter 2025, in the dark realms of this New Moon, guided by the Asteroid Goddess Pallas Athen, she of love, war & strategy. This is your invitation to step into a New Era, of embodying the truest version of you in this moment. To trust in your gifts, talents & skillsets acquired on this journey we call life. And as the Node of Destiny shifts signs and our axis recalibrates, witness what comes up for you, what stories, where your values align, what stays & what or who goes.

The Keeper of Time Saturn, has been witnessing & waiting until this moment, until you were ready to embrace your destiny, your purpose in life. Don't get caught up in the fairytale/Netflix version of Destiny, save the world scenario, Saturn is about keeping it real. Although YOU just might be the 'one' who saves the world, who knows... We all have a part to play within Family, Tribe, Community & Humanity, in ways you might never understand. You're here to live the best life of your creation, in the most embodied way possible; this is your legacy.

💎 It's all connected. Your gifts, your circumstances, your purpose, your imperfections; Your journey, your destiny. It's moulding you, embrace it.

💎 You are ready, 2025 & beyond is going to require everything you are. To raise your vibration, deepen into self, amplify your potential & embody your You'ness.

💎 Do what scares you, until it doesn't.

💎 Welcome in 2025 with open arms & ready. YOU are the greatest project you will ever work on, give it your all.

💎 Instead of setting resolutions, embody the ritual & be the revolution.

✨ Wyld Cosmic Blessings

✨ Larissa O'Neill

Want more?


💎 1hr Soulfire Reading

💎 2hr Soul Blueprint Reading

💎 1hr+ Revolutionary Wayshower Reading (1 or more charts)


💫 Celestial Mapping | Embodying the Transformational Power of 2025

Saturday 11 Janurary 2025, Piara Waters


Women Centred Travel, Egypt, England, Scotland, Ireland, Turkey, Jordan,
About Tracy McFie, Wyld Tribe & Larissa O'Neill

Wyld Tribe PTY LTD

Conscious Community  |  Perth, Western Australia​  |  0447 835 925  |


All Contents & Intellectual Property Copyright by Wyld Tribe PTY LTD | All Rights Reserved.

Website Designed with love & reverence by Wyld Tribe 

📸 Wyld Tribe   📸 Star Love Photography.  📷 Sophie Hirt Photography

Please respect our originality & Sistahood Vision. | Disclaimer | All our works and offerings are NOT in place of physical or mental medical advice. This is our work in the world, our truth. ALL images are taken across our events ⎜THIS IS WHO WE ARE - Real Women doing great work!


EST. 2012

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