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Gemini Full Moon & jumping timelines.

illustration two women, feminine

Gemini, full moon, under the Sagittarius sun.

Information overload....downloads, messages, insights, inspiration, ideas, all flowing in at a million miles an hour, that it's an overload on the senses in every which way.

It's giving us an opportunity to expand into the truth of who we are and get out of the head and into the body, which is kind of ironic because it's information and its messages, but it doesn't want to remain in the mental realm. It wants to come down into the physical form.

That's the crux of where this Gemini full moon is at for me, especially under the sign of the Sagittarian sun. .

However... .

The last moon cycle, well, actually this year in general, has been pushing a lot of the edges. People are feeling pushed to the brink and overwhelmed, anxieties are high, all of the edges frayed, exhausted, tired, and we've been pushed and it just felt like that pressure has been building and we're just DONE.


The intensity of the survival level has been huge for many people. Those few who have managed to ride at the top of this wave, go you, that's awesome, but for many, it's been kind of in the whitewash kind of feeling, like wave after wave after wave crashing over you, finding it hard to take a breath before the next influx of experiences, growth points, pressure, all the things that come along with our day-to-day reality of life.

For many people this is the point of no return, we can't go back to who we once were, it's just a matter of leaning in hard & moving forward, having to face fears, limiting beliefs, and the reality of where 'It's at' to acknowledge this is a place or a space you never want to be in again. By doing this, it's stopped us or not allowed us to drop back into the default mode that too many people have been operating in or the playing small or remaining unseen & unheard.


We were in February a moment ago...and before you know it, here we are December, the full moon in Gemini and the sun, in the sign of Sagittarius. And it feels like we're popping the pimple & letting everything out to release the pressure.  Yeah, release the pressure of where we're at right now, for us to stop and look at who we are, with all that comes along with us, the good, the bad, the ugly and everything else in between.

The Sagittarius Sun, with its philosophy, ethics, morals, and belief systems. We're talking cultural, religious and spiritual constructs in which we find ourselves within. This gives us an opportunity to really consider, are they in alignment.

What is the truth, my truth?

Is it still relevant?

Are these philosophies that we hold ourselves to, is it a time to upgrade?

To redefine, reframe what that might look like?

All valid questions under the Sagittarian Sun because It's shining a light on the philosophy through which we choose to live our lives.


Over the next week or so, The Sun aligns with the Galactic Centre, a potent portal of infinite possibility. When we shine the light into these portals, it allows us to connect our energy to the abundance of higher consciousness of frequency, of understanding, of awareness, we're talking outside of time.

Because time, as we currently know it in our human form, is a construct of creation to very much keep us in line. When we tap into this galactic portal, the Galactic Centre, we're stepping outside of time. We get the opportunity to look at our own personal timelines, and the jumping of timelines is amplified. This energy is available to us to consider, where we need to fine-tune our frequency and setting our energy signature to those timelines of our highest wants, needs and desires, this energy portal is open to us NOW.


Now, being a full moon means this light of the Sun and the Galactic Centre is shining upon this magnificent luminary, Gemini moon.

Gemini is the trickster, the messenger and it's quite frantic & an information overload. What is brought to our attention and our awareness that is tricking us?

What are our false beliefs, our false dialogue, both our inner and external dialogue?

Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini is stationing direct, reframing & refining these insights.


The Gemini full moon and the Sagittarius Sun, it's creating a pressure point with Neptune, in Pisces. Neptune is a tricky one, it can be foggy, discombobulating, and hard to grasp, it can also be about about possibilities, dreams, being the visionary, the sacred and the sacred self.

Leaning into this visionary energy & the timeline jumping Galactic Centre... EVERYTHING is possible when we fine-tune in that dial, recalibrate... and have a dam good nap, because its been a BIG year.


As this duality of energy comes crashing through, or seeping in, open to the visioning & the dreaming. What does your future self look like? Dream big, dream really big beyond anything that you allow yourself to dream to.  When we do so, we're fine-tuning and recalibrating, bringing back into a healthy equilibrium our dynamics.

I was having a conversation with my sister this morning and we were having a little bit of a laugh about the liminal spaces & the dreamscape and about writing them down. If they're not written down reality happens, we've gotten on with our day and then we've forgotten what those dreamy moments were about. Then during the day we kind of get those snippets and insights of remembering. What is that recollection? We were having a bit of a laugh about our spirit guides, they're trying to hold onto you for dear life in that dreamscape, for you to remember what's possible, what your visioning in.

On a human level, we can align our frequency and allow ourselves to grow expansively.

We're being called to embody our timeline affirmations & our future self so that our conscious human self can actively engage in the present.

No longer hiding, playing small, listening to the 'Imposter Syndrome' thats chatting away in your head. No longer justify or let lack of self-worth speak loudly. Quiet the Monkey Mind.

When you are in the moment, aligned philosophically & the insight and inspiration are in the right relationship, trusting in all that you are wholeheartedly & full-bodied, this is your intuitive intelligence speaking clearly.


This moon has further pressure between Jupiter, Gemini moon, Mercury & Saturn.

Our mercurial communication is how we speak to ourselves & about ourselves. Look at the philosophical lens through which we curate our words & language, and if we use empowering, inspiring language to frame ourselves in the wider world.

Saturn in Pisces, keeps us accountable, the taskmaster & principal, Gandalf, thou shalt not pass unless you deal with your shit, therefore taking sacred responsibility.

These two big pressure points I feel are what we've been leading up to over the last few weeks, months and moon cycles, is that condensing of everything in our lives to the point of no return. It's like pushing the edges so you can't go back. There's no way to go back. You can only crash through, break down, dive into all of those things that hold you back. And taking sacred responsibility for who you are that's in true alignment with yourself is where we've been called to, invited to, dragged along to, to be all of who you are.


2025 astrologically speaking, is a monumental year energetically that's beyond anything humanity has experienced before.

What I have had that realisation about last week, Trace and I were in a boot camp, which we shared on our page here, and talking about it being brutal and intense.


This Era that I am in, is what I term, 'A Brut-iful Life'.


That comes with intensity as well as joy, heartache, challenges as well as ecstatic elation. To live a full-bodied wholehearted life there are all the experiences that life has to offer. For me that is more of a holistic way of being in the world. Our spiritual biosphere is all of those experiences. The compost of life is where all the juicy stuff is, that nourishes & fertilises the soil for new, abundant & prolific growth. And we no longer need to hide the 'unacceptable & vulnerable' aspects of ourselves. All of you are welcome here.

This boot camp, was so fast, literally wave after wave, crashing through, crashing over, that you could barely take a breath. For me that is something I struggled with because I need breathing space to digest, to integrate & understand, that's part of my nature. However, surrendering to this process, it didn't give me the opportunity to go back into my default. Which meant the only way to go was forward. To break through those limiting beliefs. To break through the fears that I had and the realisation of how much that had been holding me back. And into the context of there's no hiding anymore. Bringing all of thyself out to be seen, heard, witnessed and celebrated.


This is the 2024 feels.


Mars, he's agitation, anger, frustration, overwhelm, he pushes and pushes and in the sign of Leo, sovereignty, who are you and how you're choosing to show up in the world, for self, pride & community?  He's in opposition to Pluto, the alchemist, the Merlin, who's now thankfully moved into Aquarius for the next 20 years.  This is transformation around how we use our power, how we become sovereign leaders and revolutionary wayshowers as individuals and collectively. When Mars is at play it's about shifting the anger and frustration and reframing it to being 'on purpose', in service, being intentional in your way of being as our sovereign selves & how you choose to show up.

Sitting alongside Pluto we've got two beautiful feminine energies, Venus, our value systems & soul currency. Our lived experience is filling up our soul currency bank, and what our currency exchange moving forward is going to be. Then we have Ceres, the goddess of agriculture, harvest and grain she is about abundance and fertility is an understanding of the seasons and cycles of life.

These three cosmic bodies, Venus, Ceres and Pluto together in opposition to Mars in Leo energy are asking for big transformation of reframing how we're choosing to show up for community for tribe and for humanity.



I invite you to lean into this cosmic energy &...

✨ Sleep, nap, daydream & rest.

  • Allow the anxiety, and cortisol levels to drop, the jaw to release & the shoulders to surrender.

✨ Write a Timeline Jump Affirmation.

  • 'I am in the timeline of...'

  • Choose 1,3 or 5 lines, where you write each line those things that are of your greatest desire, what is it you're choosing to align your frequency with, to recalibrate your energy with.

  • Then speak this affirmation as soon as you wake & throughout the day.

  • If it feels right, at 2.22 pm daily, set an alarm on your phone & speak your affirmation out aloud. If our tribe & community do this collectively, the frequency expands in ways beyond our knowing.

✨ In the waves where the energy is riding high...

  • brain dump, to-do list, post-it notes, whatever you need to get it out & down in writing, drawing or doodling.

And if the energy is there jump & run with it... if not, relax, and surrender... Capricorn season is coming & the 'get shit done' energy will happen then *fingers crossed.

I am in the timeline of...

I look forward to hearing what your timeline looks like for you. ✨ Wyld Cosmic Blessings 🪐 Larissa O'Neill xXx

woman standing next to a tree


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